5 Health Benefits Of Having An Org'asm (READ)
You already know that having regular orga'sms is great for your relationship (not to mention your partner’s ego!).
It’s also a fun, free and, well, satisfying form of entertainment, and it can even burn calories and reduce stress.
But here’s another bedroom bonus: Getting busy on a regular basis not only enhances your life, it may extend it, too. According to certified se'x therapist Lou Paget, best-selling author of The Big O, below are the top 5 benefits of O-ing whenever you can:
1.Org'asms keep your girly parts healthy:
The extra stimulation causes blood to rush into the ge'nital tissue, keeping it supple and refreshed. For best results, have an org'asm at least once a week. Is it that time of the month? Studies show that having orga'sms while Aunt Flo is in town actually protects against endometriosis, a potentially dangerous uterine condition that can lead to infertility.
2.Org'asms offer powerful pain relief:
Some studies suggest that a good orgasm can more than double a woman’s tolerance for pain. Plus, it’s an analgesic, not an anesthetic, meaning it suppresses pain without affecting sensitivity to touch — a critical ingredient when se'x is on the menu.
3.Orgas'ms can protect your ticker:
Se'xual activity and org'asm are shown to reduce stress due to the surge of oxytocin, the so-called “cuddle hormone,” that occurs with org'asm. What’s more, studies show that orga'sms lower blood pressure levels — at least among women — and high blood pressure can lead to heart attacks.
4.Orga'sms help you sleep better:
In addition to increasing trust, attachment and bonding, the post-O hormone oxytocin triggers a cascade of bodily events, including the release of other feel-good hormones called endorphins. These endorphins often have a sedative effect. So it’s no surprise that most of us have enjoyed a fabulous night of sleep following some really great se'x.
5.Orgas'ms can help you stay in shape and lose weight:
Getting busy for 30 minutes not only heats up your honey, but it also burns calories. In fact, according to some estimates, you can torch up to 200 calories with a hot and heavy half-hour session (which theoretically — and hopefully — would include an orga'sm or three).
Source: Self.com
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