1. Notice how heavy she is breathing. org@sms are very intense, so it is nearly impossible for women to maintain their regular breathing patterns. If you are trying to figure out how to know if she’s faking it, keep in mind that natural breathing usually indicates that she hasn’t had an org@sm.
2. Pay attention to how many org@sms she has. Although multiple org@sms are possible, they aren’t all that likely. If you’re trying to learn how to know if she’s faking it, notice whether or not she has multiple org@sms every time and if so, know that it’s probably not real.
ALSO:Has My Woman Been “Faking It” In The Bedroom This Entire Time?!….Advice needed.
3. See how long it takes her to function regularly. This can be one of the easiest ways to learn how to know if she’s faking it. An org@sm can really drain a woman’s energy. If she gets out of bed and goes back to her daily life only moments later, she’s probably faking.
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4. Take note of how long her org@sm lasts. Since org@sms only last for a few seconds, she shouldn’t claim that hers last for minutes at a time. If you are trying to determine how to know if she’s faking it, remember that the length of her org@sm can tell a lot.
5. Consider whether she seems to be acting. If it feels like you’re having s3x with a p0'rn star, there’s a good chance she’s not being genuine. Unless she knows you love her to be loud when you have s3x, this can be one of the easiest ways to know if she’s faking it.
6. Notice if you feel any contractions. If you really are wondering how to know if she’s faking it, this is important to keep in mind. Any time a woman org@sms, you will feel her v@gina contracting, even if it’s not very strong.
7. Pay attention to her body temperature. One of the easiest ways how to know if she’s faking it is to see if she feels really warm afterwards. Also be sure to notice if her cheeks have a red, flushed appearance.
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