A Man looks for...
1.A woman who is independent:
An independent, mature man desires a woman who inspires and has a mind of her own. A confident and successful man will not be frightened by a woman who is independent and successful in her own life. He wants a woman who knows what she wants from life. A great guy wants a woman who knows how to stay busy and not make the man in her life her world. She should be having a stable career of her own and a good circle of high flying friends.
2.A woman who is emotionally stable:
A man will love a woman who is stable in her thinking and knows how to handle a relation maturely. Ranjit Mathur, a corporate head honcho, says, "A woman must have the maturity not to criticise and play the blame game when something goes wrong. I like my woman to know how to handle her emotions." That doesn't mean that a woman should be suppressing her emotions all the time so that she appears desirable to her man. But she should be able to express her feelings in a calm and dignified way. Men, who acknowledge and love a woman for who she is, are drawn to (and not intimidated by) this feminine presence in its unabashed expression. He is not judgmental of a woman on the basis of ages of mindless social conditioning. He is evolved enough to be able to see her love and her light, surrender to it, and thereby, make it his own.
3.A woman who is well turned out:
A great guy is not intimidated by a woman who knows how to dress up for the occasion and is well groomed. They love women who know how to take care and pamper themselves. Talking about his fiancee, Ayan Paul, a banker, says, "There is an aura about her. She has a poise that can make heads turn. She knows exactly what to wear for what occasion and how to carry herself. She gives importance to every single detail, starting from her hair to her shoes. That is the most attractive thing about her."
4.A woman who is playful:
A playful woman is every man's desire. They love women who are active and interested in sports. Youthfulness and playful behaviour are some of the attributes that make a woman attractive. A little mischief and a little playfulness is what a man loves to see in his woman. Small carefree moments that you create together make a lasting impact on the relationship.
5.A woman who is attractive:
Men love women who are attractive. They are not scared of commitment, and they love passion in their relationship. Women should be a little innovative and know the art of flirting. So, when you meet a man for the first time, be a little playful and mischievous. Instead of asking him what he does for a living, ask him what he drives, what brand he wears and what sports he plays. Make sure that you are witty in whatever you say. Keep the relationship fun, and do not let the passion die.
A woman looks for...
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1.A man with a quirky sense of humour:
That killer smile and quirky sense of humour is a great turn on for women. They like to settle down with someone who can make them laugh. "A life partner who can make her laugh even in the drabbest time of her life is what every woman wants.
I am in my late 30s, but I am still a child at heart. Only a humorous person can make me feel alive," says Ragini Sharma, a freelance writer.
2.A man who is understanding:
Having someone who understands her is what a woman wants in a long-standing, matured relationship. It is like having someone who completely knows you for the person that you are, both inside and out. Then there is no misunderstanding regarding anything. Rajni Shah, a software professional, says, "Let me be the way I am — that's exactly what I told my husband when we were dating each other. Because one day, I don't want to be tired of pretending to be someone else." Since he knows you for the kind of person you are, it becomes lot easier to have that special bond to keep the relationship alive.
3.A man who makes a woman feel secure:
Security, both emotional and financial, is what every woman looks for in a relationship. Times have changed and so have relationships. One doesn't need to be a millionaire to woo a woman, but she needs to know that she matters to you. Writer Proyashi Barua says, "He should have the courage to stand up for the woman he loves under all trying circumstances and this can happen only when he is bold and gutsy. A man might me romantic and genuinely in love with a woman, but every romance in this world has an individual/unique trajectory. It's up to both of them to guard /uphold their love under all circumstances. A woman wants a man to be strong both physically and mentally because that's what makes her happy and feel safe and protected.
4.A man who is honest:
A woman doesn't like a dishonest man. She wants to be an important part of his life. So, a man needs to be honest to the woman in his life, no matter what happens. She expects him to share his pleasant and unpleasant experiences in life and not hide anything from her. Relationship counsellor Ronita Dixit says, "Never hide anything from a woman, especially serious matters. But white lies like telling her she still looks slim are acceptable."
5.A man who is well groomed:
It is as important for a man to be well turned out, smell good and dress well. Girls go gaga when they see a man who is in shape and and has a good body. A man needs to make a good impression to make a woman go weak in the knees. So, it is time for men to do a style check and develop a trademark statement of their own, but he shouldn't follow trends blindly.
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